Milestone for increased safety achieved: Cars, Trucks and Motorbikes Speak One Language Now
- World premiere of the manufacturer spanning Car-to-X-Communication system independent of vehicle-type
- CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium organises its second CAR 2 CAR Forum at Dudenhofen
In the course of its second international forum the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium, in short C2C-CC, will demonstrate manufacturer spanning applications of the Car-to-X-Communication system independent of vehicle-type to a worldwide public for the first time ever.
With driving demonstrations at the testing areas of the Adam Opel GmbH cars, trucks and motorbikes of the manufacturers involved exemplify traffic situations where the Car-to-X-Communication system can particularly assist efficiently the driver, such as at urban crossroads with line-of-sight obstruction where motorbikes, emergency vehicles are approaching. Even at construction sites and in situations involving breakdown vans, Car-to-X-Communications is very effective. In lectures and workgroups the participants of the meeting collectively discuss and elaborate the future of Car-to-X-Communication systems. The world premier will be supported technically by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) who will evaluate the specifications and documents used during the demonstrations in relation to their potential for future use in standardisation.
Via WLAN radio contact the Car-to-X-Communication system interlinks cars and the street infrastructure and, thus, informs the car driver immediately and in time on potentially dangerous road traffic situations. By use of this system it is possible to avoid accidents or reduce their impacts particularly at tail ends of traffic jams, scenes of an accident or with smooth roadway surfaces. To offer the Car-to-X-Communication system all over Europe and, thus, entirely tap its full potential two preconditions must be met: A jointly shared technological base of operations and a uniform radio frequency. With the 5.9 GHz European frequency band for Car-to-X-Communication applications which has recently been activated - as previously in the USA or Japan - a major milestone regarding standardisation has been achieved.
Within the C2C-CC the car manufacturers Audi, BMW Group, Daimler, Fiat, Honda, Opel, Renault, Volvo Truck and Volkswagen have joined forces with hardware and software suppliers as well as research institutes. This consortium aims at developing and testing a radio system which is compatible all over Europe. Furthermore, together with ETSI the consortium develops a European norm for manufacturer spanning and vehicle-type independent Car-to-X-Communication systems. Therefore, the consortium runs a series of projects which are funded both by national and European agencies: As an example, technological development is supported by COMeSafety. To verify the systems under real conditions PRE-DRIVE C2X and SIM-TD (Safe and Intelligent Mobility – Test Market Germany) have been initiated.