7 December to 10 December 2020 | GoToMeeting

The CAR 2 CAR Week offers all working groups and taskforces to discuss latest developments of the technical work. The taskforces have sessions in parallel while the working groups meet in consecutive joint sessions. The Steering Committee will meet during the last day. All experts of active C2C-CC Members as well as Steering Committee members are invited to participate in the CAR 2 CAR Week.

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3 November 2020 to 12 November 2020, GoToWebinars

The this year´s CAR 2 CAR Forum is being organised by a series of six GoToWebinars during the period from 3 November to 12 November 2020. Participation is open to all interested experts free of costs. A-priori registration for each session of interest is required using the indicated links.

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28 September to 1 October 2020 | GoToMeeting

The CAR 2 CAR Week offers all working groups and taskforces to discuss latest developments of the technical work. The taskforces have sessions in parallel while the working groups meet in consecutive joint sessions. The Steering Committee will meet during the last day. Experts of active C2C-CC Members as well as Steering Committee members are invited to participate in the CAR 2 CAR Week.

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The 10th CAR 2 CAR Week will be organised virtually from 15 to 18 June 2020 using GoToMeetings.

A-priori registration for participating in the sessions is not required.

The GoToMeeting Links for each track / session are indicated in the programme schedule.

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09 to 12 March 2020 | Burg Warberg (Germany)

The CAR 2 CAR Week #9 is organised at Burg Warberg, Germany. The CAR 2 CAR Week offers all working groups and taskforces to meet each other on three consecutive days at the same venue. The taskforces have sessions in parallel while the working groups meet in consecutive joint sessions. The Steering Committee will meet during the last day. Experts of active C2C-CC Members as well as Steering Committee members are invited to participate in the CAR 2…

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16 to 19 September 2019 | Burg Warberg (Germany)

The CAR 2 CAR Week #7 is hosted by Volkswagen and Carmeq at Burg Warberg, Germany. The CAR 2 CAR Week offers all working groups and taskforces to meet each other on three consecutive days at the same venue, and to chair individual working group meetings as well as combined sessions, plenary and side meetings. The Steering Committee will meet during the last day. Experts of active C2C-CC Members as well as Steering Committee members are invited to…

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29 to 30 October 2019 | Environment Park, Torino (Italy)

As annual conference of the Consortium, the CAR 2 CAR Forum is open to all active and basic members interested in receiving first-hand insights into the consortiums work on C-ITS deployment preparation in Europe. In a tried and tested manner, the Forum consists of a two-day conference programme and the General Assembly for active CAR 2 CAR members. On 31 October 2019 the city of Torino hosts a Workshop with city and infrastructure…

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01 to 04 July 2019 | Biot Sophia-Antipolis (France)

The CAR 2 CAR Week #6 is hosted by EURECOM in Biot Sophia-Antipolis, France. The CAR 2 CAR Week offers all working groups and taskforces to meet each other on four consecutive days at the same venue, and to chair individual working group meetings as well as combined sessions, plenary or side meetings. Experts of active C2C-CC Members are invited to participate in the CAR 2 CAR Week.

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11 to 14 March 2019 | Guyancourt (France)

The CAR 2 CAR Week #5 is hosted by Renault in Guyancourt, France. The CAR 2 CAR Weeks offer all working groups and taskforces to meet each other on four consecutive days at the same location, and to chair individual working group meetings as well as combined sessions, plenary or side meetings of the chairs.

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14 to 17 January 2019 | Bergisch Gladbach (Germany)

The CAR 2 CAR Week #4 was hosted by the Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt) in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. The CAR 2 CAR Weeks offer all working groups and taskforces to meet each other on four consecutive days at the same location, and to chair individual working group meetings as well as combined sessions, plenary or side meetings of the chairs.

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